Reviewing The Devotion System: Is This Program Worth It?

Recommended Age

Women of All Ages

Number of Members


For Women Seeking

A Man's Devotion


We've rated the following 4 categories below based on our in-depth research to compare similar systems and products.




Success Rate

4.9 / 5.0

4.6 / 5.0

4.2 / 5.0

4.8 / 5.0

So many people like to fancy themselves as relationship experts, and the internet has created so many platforms that it can be extraordinarily hard to sort through them all.

Some of this advice is from people with good intentions and good information, but a lot of it is from delusional people or ones who just want to make some money without really intending to help anyone.

There’s also “The Devotion System,” masterminded by Amy North. Targeted at women who want to have a relationship with a man that actually lasts, “The Devotion System” offers a sense of renewal for anyone who feels jaded by relationships.

Key Features

  •  50,000 word professionally-designed e-book 
  • 13-part live-person video series
  • 3 high-quality bonus PDF's (30-40+ pages each)
  • 3-part audio course (almost 5 hours in length)


The kind of dating advice you need depends on where you are in your love life.

You might need help getting someone to notice you, or you might need help going from a casual relationship to a full-time one. 

“The Devotion System’ offers assistance in all aspects.

You might have a pattern of failure in your relationships. This isn’t meant to make you chastise yourself, as anyone can make mistakes or get in a bad relationship.

However, if you find yourself constantly making the same mistakes, including falling in love with people who you know are bad for you, you need real help, which Amy North can provide.

About The System Creator

Coming from the great city of Vancouver, Canada, Amy North has been helping people around the world for over half-a-decade.

All parts of a relationship that you can think of have been given Amy’s expertise, including the messier parts, such as separating.

Amy believes in love, but she doesn’t try to portray some kind of fairytale ideal in which everything can be perfect if you wish hard enough.

You need to work hard on yourself and your relationship.

What’s In It For You?

“The Devotion System” is an eBook, available on desktop and mobile programs. You can read it online as well. 

There are three different sections. The first talks about healing, the second gives an overview on understanding men, and the third talks about the different parts of getting someone to fall for you.

Although Amy’s insights aren’t all going to strike you as entirely original, the way they’ve been organized so methodically is worth applauding.

This eBook is quite a page-turner, and it immediately grabs your attention. It starts by having you focus inward.

If there are things you need to do to really make yourself the best possible person, make sure you cover them before you go any further with trying to woo someone.

Letting Go and Moving On

The inaugural section of the eBook talks about falling in love with one key person: yourself.

You’ve probably heard so much about how external love isn’t possible without internal love. Even if you’re sick of hearing this, you need to believe it truly.

You may have some bad experiences that are keeping you from loving yourself as much as you need to.

Perhaps you think that the more you attack yourself, the more you’ll grow.

But that doesn’t work, and neither does getting mad about how you look.

You might never look exactly how you want to, but you can be beautiful in a much more important way: through the kindness you can within you and spread to the people around you. 

This can make you attractive in ways the most expensive makeup never could.

Sure, some men are shallow and only care about looks. However, these definitely aren’t the men you want to attract.


Having “spark” is important for any relationship, but this acronym means something different.

It’s what Amy champions women to have to see romantic success. You need to be:

👉  Sexy and sassy

👉  Playful and positive

👉  Attractive and admirable

👉  Radiant and real

👉  Keen and kind

Many of these elements may be within you, but they just need the right nudging in order to come out.

Being Beautiful

Advertisers will have you believe that a particular outfit is all it takes to feel confident, because they depend on your dollars.

You can accomplish this in a much more affordable and sustainable way. You need to think in a way that uproots any negative perceptions you might have of yourself.

You don’t need to despise yourself to benefit from a new way of thinking.

You probably have at least some love for yourself, but it might be coming out only when you’re accomplishing something new, like getting a new job.

“The Devotion System” can teach you to love yourself no matter how you are, as well as reshaping yourself for the better.

Men 101

There are differences between women and men, just like how there are differences between women and other women.

Humans aren’t a monolith, but our differences don’t need to prevent us from getting along.

Amy uses this section to help you better understand what men are all about and how this information can help you attract your ideal man.

It’s not meant to provide a complete analysis of the entire male gender. If you want to really get into that kind of complexity, you’ll have to read academic papers full of jargon.

Amy’s advice is digestible but also meaningful. One of the biggest ways she helps readers is by talking about the importance of communication.

Relationships need communication in order to work. Otherwise, confusion will reign supreme, making way for the inevitable resentment.

Communication is more than just talking. You need to know how a man thinks as well as how they communicate.

Stages of Love

The final part is the most comprehensive. It runs the gamut of relationship development, especially with making someone your exclusive partner.

It starts with “The Monogamy Method.” This is really important to learn if you want to convince a man that you’re the absolute best person for them and that they shouldn’t be looking for anyone but you.

Amy will teach you how to make him feel secure.

Next is the more straightforward “Phone Phrenzy Technique.” Although it’s not quite as extensive, it’s still good to read, as you might be communicating on the phone in a way that’s hindering your chances of finding true love.

Sex isn’t the only thing that makes a relationship good, but it can definitely help. The eBook has an area that helps to really bring out the passions, both for him and for you.

Awareness of what gets you going in the bedroom is a must. When you’ve figured this out, you can learn about where men most desire physical contact.

Other information is brought up here. Amy uses visual means to help better communicate with you.

Bonus 🎁

Along with the aforementioned chapters, there’s “Textual Chemistry” “Cheat-Proofing” and “Finding Love Online.” 

These are all quality and timely sections. Not knowing how to text can be a deal breaker in a relationship, and you need to make infidelity unacceptable, as well as snagging a partner with the internet.

Pros and Cons


  • Good organization - It's not hard to follow the information, and the order in which it's presented makes total sense
  • Adaptability - Unlike programs that are for people in specific circumstances, such as at the beginning of a relationship or in years into a marriage, "The Devotion System" helps anyone who needs it
  • Self-Development - "The Devotion System" doesn't just help you with your romantic life. It also helps you be who you want to be.


  • Takes time - Not working instantly isn't a reason to not recommend "The Devotion System," but this kind of disclaimer is important because we don't want you to think one eBook will solve all your problems in a day.
  • Digital-only - You might be one of those people who needs a hardcopy book if you're to do any long-term reading. 

The Bottom Line:

We really like "The Devotion System," even though it's not quite as revolutionary as you might hope for. 

Some of the answers are obvious, but they're ones that you might've been ignoring. Now is the time to face the truth.

There's work you need to do before you read even the first sentence. You need to make yourself receptive to advice.

If you're feeling immovable, like you can't imagine following anyone's guidance but your own, "The Devotion System," can only help you so much.

But if you want to and are willing to work, this system will be great for you. Its adaptability means that you can apply these lessons to different situations.

You could read these two different times, five years apart, and emerge with completely different conclusions, but they are uniformly useful.

Devotion is a broad concept, but we all have to be devoted to someone. The best place to start is by being devoted to ourselves.

Otherwise, we wouldn't have any accountability or reason to care about others.

With "The Devotion System," you can love others and help them to love you because of the love you hold for yourself.

You'll find yourself shaking off the bonds of insecurity and living your life to the absolute fullest.

With the kindness of Amy North and the help of her "Devotion System," you can feel like a new woman.
